Dein Auslandsstudium: von der sprachlichen Herausforderung zur interkulturellen Erfahrung

In four thematic course blocks you will learn everything you need to know about studying in the heart of Germany.
Dein Auslandsstudium: von der sprachlichen Herausforderung zur interkulturellen Erfahrung
Andere Länder, andere Bildungssysteme: alles was du über ein Studium an einer deutschen Hochschule wissen musst
Student life outside the lecture halls: housing, health & finances, friends & support services.
You can already find four exciting courses above and we are continuously working on expanding our course offerings.
Properly prepare yourself for your studies in Germany! In our four free courses (or course blocks) you will learn how to get off to a good start for your studies abroad.
From initial problems of everyday communication and study organisation to questions about study financing and career planning – our experienced testimonials are at your fingertips with important advice on every topic!
The online courses from Study in Thuringia only provide non-binding information and references to external sources of information. They serve as a first orientation and may also represent contrasting perspectives on the same subject, particularly in the subjective statements of our testimonials. The interviews and course content were created in the year 2022. So it is possible that certain facts and assessments may have changed since then. For current information, you should always contact the relevant offices and authorities of your university.
Neither our testimonials nor the creators of the courses are authorised to provide legal advice. For binding recommendations on legal matters, you should always consult with lawyers or representatives of immigration authorities.